Thursday, April 5, 2012

Let's Spring Break It Down

I'm going to just go out on a limb here, and say... spring break is for the birds.

Actually, it's for school staff and students to recuperate, regrouperate, resaturate and reconcile the fact that they have to come back and teach our kids again until June. And as someone who briefly forayed into teaching, I don't envy them and fully understand the necessity of the phenomenon that is Spring Break. But I'm just sayin', Spring Break is not for parents. Especially parents that live in a place where it's rainy in March. Here's where I wanted to be this Spring Break:

It's a hammock. Hanging from a palm tree. Dipping seductively close to a glorious expanse of aquamarine. With just enough room for me and my book. But alas...

Typically Spring Break is the harbinger of at least a little sunshine and warm enough weather to at least pretend it's warm enough weather. Not this time. Oh March, you fickle, fickle tease. If it weren't for my birthday, I'd loathe you. 

I'm not (I am) lamenting the fact that I had full responsibility again for my kids for two whole weeks, or three if your count the pre-break sick week. In truth, nothing reminds me more of how difficult a job teachers have then having to take care of my own kids. At least, taking care of them well. Healthy snacks,  time outside to move and shake their sillies out, meaningful activities. Lucky for me, Anika got her tonsils removed so I was exonerated from many of these parental duties. Admittedly, we watched a lot of TV this break. We ate a lot of ice cream. Our two weeks had the possibility of being a mellow, relaxing time of recovery and afternoon visits to The Bouncy House and indoor play park. But unfortunately it was peppered with one ER visit for a little dehydrated girl, ear infections, and vomit, among other superfluous bodily fluids...

This can't possibly be normal. I just refuse to accept it. Here's our list from the last three months:

nonstop colds and/or stomach flues
two bouts of pneumonia
three chest X-rays
three bouts of pinkeye
four sinus infections
five urgent care visits
three ER visits
five stitches
four ear infections - just Kaden :(
too many rounds of antibiotics and steroids than I care to think about...
and one surgery

Initially, I was excited about Spring Break, in the hopes it would kickstart our immune systems. Unluckily for us, Anika just happened to catch a stomach flu right after having tonsil surgery. And then Kaden got it a few days later, while still fighting the ever-lingering cold.

Essentially we have been house bound, a noose that got tighter as the month continued. I retreated into my shell these past few weeks, taking shelter, while my introvert stood guard. The weather was so awful, heavy with grey most days. I hate that feeling. Sinking, sinking, sinking... until it seems easier to keep digging, rather than drag myself out. Our routines didn't entirely collapse, but did lapse for sure. There were holes - as in the too-much-tv, cheese-pizza-for-dinner, little-outside-play kind of holes. Laundry piled up. Grocery store trips were postponed. Half-and-half may have been used to top off a cereal bowl. Extreme times called for extreme measures.

I'll admit, there is a little joy in taking care of my kids when they are ill. When Kaden cries "Mama! Mama!" in the middle of the night, and I can soothe him just by holding him in my arms, it's a good feeling. I like being a mama... when I'm not sick. Parents being sick is often times trivialized, but that's a load of crap. Being sick when your kids are sick sucks. No one brings you ginger ale and a popsicle in a bowl. No one tucks blankets around while you watch movies on the couch. In fact, your duties increase. It's extra hard to mother sick ones while you are sick yourself. Remember when you'd hold back your best friend's hair while she was throwing up after a night of drinking, even though you were a little hung over too? Remember how it was difficult to not vomit in empathy? No? Just me?

I realize this post is a big fat whine fest. True story. And now I can rip March out of my calendar, set it on fire, and dance on its ashes.

We are plodding forward and brightening our path is Anika's and my upcoming trip to New England. That's my sun right now. It will be Anika's first plane ride anywhere and I think she is ready. And more importantly, I am ready. I can't wait to take her and introduce her to friends who I miss so much, as well as to the act of traveling itself. She is an adventurer and loves new situations and new people. I hope she enjoys our trip as much as I think she will! I've begun to make lists, to plan, to brainstorm... Truly, I am SO excited!

That's all for now. I'm too tired (lazy) to throw up any photos today. I'll leave you with Kaden's new favorite song. Really, I think I've listened to (and sung) this song well over 50 times in the last two days. Kaden requests it in the morning, in the car, walking around running errands. He sings "doo du doo doo" along with the refrain. When he wants to hear it, he'll go the stereo and say "moooooooore raaaaain". In terms of the weather, I say no thanks. It terms of music, I'm more than happy to oblige.

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