Monday, January 7, 2013


I love this time of the year. For me, there is no better time than the beginning. Here's my list of resolutions. I make one every year.

I will make short lists.

I will put the remote back where it belongs.

I will respect my own mortality and limitations. And then I will ignore them.

I will not buy Salt and Vinegar chips. Party size? Yes, party of one.

I will find the sweet spot between use and abuse of Facebook, Reddit and the Internet in general.

I will write more.

I will smile more.

I will move more.

I will finish projects (I'm looking at you, rainbow dress in pattern pieces, in a pile, in the basement...).

I will give more hugs than stern looks and lectures.

I will follow when a little hand grabs mine and tugs me over to play. I will give myself completely to our imaginations, rather than glance at the clock or the dishes.

I will make more memories than I miss.

I will push myself, but go to sleep content.

I will be proud of what I do, even if it's just tucking my kids in after a long day.

I will remember that the best joys in life are the basic ones: a perfectly toasted English muffin, craters filled with jam; catching my breath after movements of all kinds; the warmth from another body; a deep, head-spinning laugh...

I will write more.

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